Earl Hunt Jr. (1968)
Earl Hunt Jr. speaks at the Appalachian Preaching Mission (APM) on Thursday, February 8, 1968. Hunt argues that as Christians grow older, they become callous toward sin and God, and thus need to come back to a child-like faith in Christ and the gospel.
Hunt served as resident Bishop of the Charlotte, North Carolina Methodist Churches and served as president of Emory and Henry College in Emory, Virginia.
In the sermon, Hunt references Luke 18:17.
Preceding the sermon, Dean Jacoby leads the congregation in "Revive Us Again" and after the sermon sings "Breathe on Me, Breath of God."
Attached below is the 1968 Johnson City Appalachian Preaching Mission brochure.
Audio, images, and documents courtesy of Archives of Appalachia, East Tennessee State University, Appalachian Preaching Mission Records.